As you know we are a shop that you can drink in, the latest information from the government is to avoid pubs etc etc.
At the moment we are carrying on with drinking in although this is a small area of the shop it provides a large section of our business. Until told we can't. Like many business until we are told not to open, insurance will not cover for closure.
As always everything is anti bac wiped down and is being done even more. If your unwell please take the advice to stay at home.
Where possible we request the use of contactless payment.
In terms of take home bottle and cans we are offering free home delivery in most areas as per our last post.
Some stock lines might be out of stock due to us having to suspend our next importing trip to Belgium as well as being able to access products from other UK importers along with the down turn in trade.
In the next few weeks we have a few shop events some of them private and we will be talking to the groups regarding them, our beer tasting on Easter Saturday is expected to take place but our camra award night might be postponed. We will update this as soon as possible.
Remember to support independent businesses at this time.
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