Thursday, 7 April 2016

Cloudwater & Magic Rock

Important Information

2 exciting beers

Cloudwater DIPA 3 & Magic Rock Unhuman Cannonball 2016

Cloudwater DIPA

We have 24 bottles and are unable to sell them until Saturday Noon - They will be available on a first served first come basis from Noon on Saturday. These beers will not be available on line unless any remain after the weekend. There is no limit on how many you may purchase.

Magic Rock Un-Human Cannonball 2016

Once again we will have a small supply of this yearly release last time we sold out in 20 mins. They are arriving on Tuesday at some point. Again these are first come first served and one bottle per customer. Due to us not knowing what time on Tuesday they will arrive it has been deemed fair to starting selling from 5:30pm and we will open later on Tuesday night to enable hopefully everyone to obtain one. Once again these will not be available on line on Tuesday. Should any be left they will be on Wednesday.

Phone sales on both beers will not be accepted.
For upto date info check our twitter page @bierhuis1 or facebook